Practice Areas

Asset Division

Protecting The Foundation Of Your Future

Sorting Through A Shared Life

In the process of divorce, you need to divide the assets of your marriage, and this doesn't just mean your house. You may have had multiple properties, financial accounts, retirement accounts, or interest in a business. Depending on whether you have a prenuptial agreement that outlines how all of these assets will be divided, all of these factors and maybe more need to be accounted for when dividing assets during a divorce. At DeLacey, Riebel & Shindell, LLP, our California law firm works meticulously to account for the full financial picture of a marriage and determine how both assets and debts are to be divided.

Working With Outside Professionals
Some aspects of the asset division process require our attorneys to work with outside professionals who can better account for the value of your marital property.

Some of the excellent professionals with whom we maintain working relationships include:

• CPAs
• Economists
• Real estate appraisers
• Business appraisers
• Estate planners
• Financial planners

If necessary, we can also determine if one spouse is hiding assets and bring this to light.

Debts are also a part of the division process. If you and your spouse carried joint debt in your marriage, this will need to be divided fairly as a part of the divorce process.

Call Today To Protect Your Assets

Untangling the financial aspects of a previously shared life can seem overwhelming. We've done this before and can guide you step by step through the process, protecting your rights, and looking out for your best interests. Call our San Francisco family law firm today at 415-528-7000 to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers. You can also reach out online by writing us an email.