
Super Lawyers Selects 8 of Our 13 Attorneys for 2019 Honors

Delacey, Riebel & Shindell congratulates 8 of our 13 attorneys who were nominated by Super Lawyers.

Delacey, Riebel & Shindell Announcement

We are honored and excited to announce Natalie Gaona has joined our team! Natalie is an exceptional attorney and a trusted colleague who stands committed to the practice of Family Law. Please join us in congratulating Natalie.

Delacey, Riebel & Shindell Announcement

We are honored and excited to announce Kylie Reich has joined out team! Kylie is an exceptional attorney and a trusted colleague who stands committed to the practice of Family Law. Please join us in congratulating Kylie.

Delacey, Riebel & Shindell Announcement

Kelly J. Shindell Delacey, CFLS, Partner at Delacey, Riebel & Shindell LLP in San Francisco will be speaking at the ACFLS, Association of Certified Family Law Specialist, March 22nd, 2019.

Staci M. Lambright, CFLS, Senior Associate at Delacey, Riebel, & Shindell LLP in San Francisco to present at this year's 2019 Advanced Family Law Course: May/June 2019.

Kelly J. Shindell Delacey, CFLS, Partner at Delacey, Riebel & Shindell LLP in San Francisco spoke at the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, AAML Mid-year meeting March 13, 2019.